
Faith Shifting

Is faith fixed or fluid? Is faith a journey or a point? What does it mean to follow Lord Jesus in the various seasons of life? In an upcoming session at the Rethinking Forum, we plan to explore what it means to live in the freedom of Lord Jesus when our faith shifts, when we embrace a theology of uncertainty and difference, and when we see our faith story take on new elements. Terms like faith shifting, theology of uncertainty and difference, and other terms will lead to discussion as we seek to strengthen and unify the vocabulary we use when we and those we are living life alongside are in a faith season of transition and change. This time will be an opportunity to come to the table with questions, experiences and ideas in order to have a discussion with others who have gone through seasons of faith transition.

Kathy Escobar, author of Faith Shifting: Finding Your Way Forward When Everything You Believe Is Coming Apart, asks these questions:

“What happens when all we once believed begins to become less solid and secure? When we sense that what we’ve been doing is not what Jesus had in mind for his followers? When we have years of head knowledge but our hearts feel empty and dead? When our tried-and-true methods of connecting with God stop working? When we’re disillusioned with church and don’t know where to turn? When our faith is shifting and it feels like we’re in a free fall?”  

We will spend time together looking into these questions and asking Lord Jesus to show us where we have been and where he wants us to go. We hope to create a safe space without judgement that allows each individual to explore their own journey. We hope to create a safe space where we as a group can discuss and come alongside each other.

We will spend time unpacking concepts, defining words and allowing you to assess your own faith journey with Lord Jesus through seasons of transition, loss, grief, joy and peace. We will share our own stories and use the lessons we learned in order to frame a time of discussion. Margaret will share about her experience both living overseas, working as a counsellor and also walking alongside people during seasons of faith transition.  

Dana will share about her journey from an evangelical background to a life alongside Hindu families in her local community. This has caused seasons of tension and new beginnings, but she has realized that life in the mysteries and peace in devotion to Lord Jesus is the way she would define her current spiritual journey.  

We want you to explore your own history and story and where Lord Jesus has you today. As we walk as Jesus followers alongside people from Hindu faith, are we willing to allow Lord Jesus to modify our faith journey? What is Lord Jesus asking you to explore, to go deeper and to rethink today?

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